Cruciferous Vegetables for Estrogen Dominance!

Cruciferous Vegetables for Estrogen Dominance!

Cruciferous vegetables are the bomb.

These nutrient-packed powerhouses have been my go-to remedy in the battle against estrogen dominance, and trust me, they're game-changers. These nutrient-packed powerhouses have been my go-to remedy in the battle against estrogen dominance, and trust me, they're game-changers.

If you're having a hard time in the shop, take this little list shopping with you and start cooking!

These cruciferous champions are packed with vitamins, minerals, and compounds that work wonders for hormonal health. Here's a rundown of these veggie superheroes and how they can save the day:

Broccoli: The king of crucifers, broccoli is loaded with sulforaphane, a compound known for its potent anti-estrogenic effects. Whether steamed, roasted, or tossed into a stir-fry, broccoli is a must-have in your hormone-healing arsenal.

Cauliflower: This versatile veggie is not only low in calories but also high in fiber and antioxidants. Swap out rice or potatoes for cauliflower to keep your estrogen levels in check while satisfying your cravings for comfort food.

Kale: Kale yeah! This leafy green is a nutritional powerhouse, packed with vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals like calcium and magnesium. Blend kale into smoothies, toss it into salads, or bake it into crispy chips for a delicious dose of hormone-balancing goodness.

Brussels Sprouts: Don't let their small size fool you—brussels sprouts are mighty warriors against estrogen dominance. Rich in glucosinolates and fiber, these mini cabbages can help detoxify your body and support healthy hormone metabolism.

Cabbage: Whether enjoyed raw in coleslaw or fermented into sauerkraut, cabbage is a gut-friendly veggie that aids in estrogen detoxification. Plus, it's budget-friendly and easy to incorporate into your meals.


These veggies are now staples in my diet! I can't get enough of roasted broccoli (especially when made in the air fryer and paired with tahini sauce), hearty kale soup with minced meat, savory stir-fried kale, and crispy air-fried Brussels sprouts. Seriously, I'm hooked! And if you haven't already, investing in an air fryer is a game-changer. Here's the one I use: [insert link]. Trust me, it's worth it!

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