My top 3 products combating estrogen-induced bloating

My top 3 products combating estrogen-induced bloating

Hey there, it's me the former bloated-like-an-elephant gal who battled severe estrogen dominance for nearly a decade. You might remember my story—doctors scratching their heads, assuming I was just eating too much or being depressed. But in fact I was none of those things. I was estrogen dominant, and it was wreaking havoc on my body and leading to unwanted weight gain.

Why does estrogen have this pesky habit of making us pack on the pounds?

Well, it all comes down to hormone imbalance. When estrogen levels are out of whack—whether it's due to natural fluctuations, stress, or environmental factors—it can throw our metabolism off course. Estrogen dominance can lead to insulin resistance, which messes with our body's ability to regulate blood sugar and store fat properly. Plus, excess estrogen can promote the storage of fat cells, especially around the abdomen and hips.

But fear not, because I've got some tricks up my sleeve to help you tackle this weight gain and hormonal imbalance.



Cutting to the chase: If you're battling estrogen dominance, DIM (Diindolylmethane) is the game-changer. Integrate DIM supplements into your daily grind to rebalance estrogen levels and kickstart a healthier metabolism. Trust me, this stuff is the bomb. Still skeptical? Just check out the rave reviews from folks who've found relief from their hormonal woes.


Next on the roster is magnesium gel—my secret weapon for combating estrogen-induced bloating (especially for coffee drinkers!). Magnesium not only supports relaxation and restful sleep but also helps regulate estrogen levels and reduce bloating. I apply it nightly and wake up feeling lighter and more refreshed. Want to give it a try? Check out this link for my favorite magnesium gel.


Next up: Castor Oil. Dive into the world of castor oil packs, perfect for giving your liver a detox boost and calming inflammation triggered by estrogen dominance. Estrogen dominance puts your liver into overdrive, and chances are, it's struggling to keep up with the excess estrogen. That's where castor oil comes in. Make it a habit to apply castor oil packs consistently  and give your liver the support it needs to thrive.

Get a bottle of castor oil in a glass bottle (not plastic). This is my go-to brand. You can also use it for your face, skin, and as a lash serum!

Use organic castor oil packs to target the right area. This is a cheap, organic good option!



DIM, magnesium oil, and castor oil have been absolute game-changers in my Estrogen Dominant life. Thanks to these, my face finally resembles... well, my face again! Hello to my clothes that actually fit me again. 




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